CHINA> National
New rules to promote Party's internal democracy
Updated: 2008-07-16 23:53

BEIJING  -- The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) published a new regulation on Wednesday, in a bid to promote the Party's internal democracy by bringing the role of Party deputies into full play.

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It is aimed to "maintain the advanced nature of the Party", says the new ordinance, known as The Provisional Statute on the Tenure for Deputies to National and Local Congresses of the Communist Party of China.

On the day of issuance, it became effective for CPC committees at central and local levels (minimally county level).

According to the new Party statute, in addition to the rights during the convening of sessions, the Party deputies will also have the rights to supervise activities of the Party committees at the same levels and give their opinions and proposals.

The deputies could be invited to observe meetings of Party committees and discipline inspection commissions, at the same levels, while Party committees should try to seek opinions and proposals from the deputies, at the same levels, the statute says.

The Party committees are obliged to provide necessary funds to the deputies to help them play their part during the intervals between sessions. While deputies without a fixed salary should be financially assisted by Party committees of the same levels for the purpose.

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