CPC solicits opinions on govt reform

Updated: 2008-02-28 14:19

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds a political consultative meeting in Beijing on Wednesday, to solicit opinions on government reform from non-communist representatives.

The meeting was presided by Chinese President Hu Jintao, who is also the General Secretary of CPC Central Committee.

The country should deepen the reform of administrative system and the institutional restructuring of the State Council, the Cabinet, in time as these are critical for a better socialist market economy, socialist democratic politics development, advanced socialist culture building, and the undertaking of scientific development and social harmony, according to Hu.

The documents on deepening the reform of the country's administrative system and the institutional restructuring of the State Council have been carefully studied and have solicited opinions from many sectors of the society, Hu said.

The documents will be handed over to the upcoming First Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature, Hu said.

The meeting also discussed the candidate lists for state leaders and leading members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

The election of state leaders and leading members of CPPCC is critical for building a government supported by the people, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development and uphold the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, Hu said.

The two lists have been put forward after careful deliberation of the central government and giving full play to democracy, Hu said.

Hu said the CPPCC has always been a patriotic united front organization for it is a treasure for pushing forward the causes of the Party and the people.

Hu called on the representatives from all circles to pay great attention to self-improvement, urging them to adhere to the undertaking of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

He asked the representatives to serve the overall situation of reform and development, and to make more contributions in building a well-off society

During the meeting, Premier Wen Jiabao reported on the two drafts. Xi Jinping made explanations on the candidate lists of state leaders and leading members of CPPCC.

Chairpersons from eight democratic parties including Lin Wenyi, Jiang Shusheng, Yan Junqi, Han Qide, Zhou Tienong, Sang Guowei, Chen Changzhi, Wan Gang, and chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Huang Mengfu, and non-party member Chen Zhu all made speeches during the meeting.

They voiced support for the two lists and put forward valuable suggestions on administrative system reform and institutional restructuring.

The CPC's move showed its respect for people from all circles as all important decisions are made after soliciting opinions from democratic parties and people with no party affiliation, they said.

Senior CPC and state leaders including Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang attended the meeting.

Other participants included leaders of various departments of the central government, leaders of non-Communist parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, people without party affiliations.

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