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THE WEEK Jan 6: Not the end of the world

Updated: 2012-01-06 17:50
By THE WEEK (chinadaily.com.cn)

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Not the end of the world

The feeling of a new beginning is usually so bright and refreshing. But the beginning of this year, some suspect, is really the beginning of the end. An ancient calendar created by the Mayans seems to end on the same day some another "Big Bang" is expected to take place - December 21, 2012. This 2012 theory is one of the most widely publicized doomsday theories in history.

Obama to be reelected

The end of the world is not likely, but it may be more likely than the end of Obama's presidency. Yes, we are predicting that United States President Barack Obama will win this year's presidential election. Obama's four years in office have been subject to heightening and borderline obsessive media attention. Every move he makes and word he says is seen and heard by the masses. But a quick look into his opponents'media experiences make us believe Obama will have no problem.

2012 Olympic Games in London

Many people are looking forward to the 2012 Olympic Games in London. After seeing Beijing's grand display of beauty and power when it hosted in 2008, I highly doubt London will be able to top that performance. One thing we can count on, though, is seeing some of the world's top athletes fail in their fight to become the world's best. Clark Cahill has more.

Political sex scandals

The year 2011 had no shortage of political sex scandals, and we expect – and hope, for entertainment reasons - that the trend will continue in the year 2012. This year started off with United States politician Anthony Wiener showing us his junk in photos he sent to a number of women.

THE WEEK Jan 6: Not the end of the world

THE WEEK Jan 6: Not the end of the world
Director: Lin Hanqing Graphic Design: Zhang Xiao
Videographer: Cong Ruiting Producer: Chris Clark & Clark Cahill
Managing Producer: Christie Lee Executive Producer: Flora Yue
THE WEEK Jan 6: Not the end of the world
If we used your photo on the show, let us know. Contact: liqiao@chinadaily.com.cn
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