Updated : 2016-04-05



Important Law

Amendment Act IV of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China 1


To Carry Forward All Works of the People’s Courts Energetically and to Provide a Strong Judicial Protection for the Building of a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way - Report on the 18th National Working Conference of the Courts (Abstract) By Xiao Yang 2

Appointments and Removals

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Name List of SPC Judges Appointed and Removed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress 5

The Supreme People’s Court

Notification Regarding Judge Degree of Huang Songyou and Jiang Bixin 5

Judicial Interpretations

The Supreme People’s Court

Reply on the Matters of the Right of Claiming Repayment From Other Guarantors Exercised by the Guarantor Who Has Borne the Guaranty Liability 6

The Supreme People’s Court

Reply on the Matters of the Application of the Judicial Interpretation on Guaranty Dispute Cases and the Determination of Guaranty Liability Mode 6

The Supreme People’s Court

Regulation on the Matters of Agents ad litem’s Accessing to the Materials Pertaining to the Civil Cases 7

The Supreme People’s Court

Regulation on the Trial of Civil Cases Related to the Enterprise’s Ownership Change 8

The Supreme People’s Court

Regulation on the Trial of Civil Compensation Cases Touched Off by the False Statement in the Security Market 10

The Supreme People’s Court

Interpretation on the Matters of the Application of Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China 12

The Supreme People’s Court

Reply on Whether it Constitutes Crime of Rape when a Man Has Sexual Intercourse With a Girl Voluntarily Once He Does not Clearly Know that the Girl is Under the Age of 14 16

Judicial Documents

The Supreme People’s Court

Notification on the Matters of the Trial of Civil Cases Related to the Urban Credit Cooperatives during their Checking up and Rectification Period 17

The Supreme People’s Court

Notification on the Application of SPC Regulations on the Matters of the Trial of Enterprise’s Bankruptcy Case in Trying Such Cases 17

The Supreme People’s Court

Notification on the Adjustment of the Jurisdictional Area and Case Jurisdiction of Dalian, Wuhan and Beihai Maritime Courts 18

The Supreme People’s Court

Notification on the Matters of the Handling of Guns, Ammunition or Explosives Related Appeal Cases 18

The Supreme People’s Court

Notification on the Matters of Printing And Distributing the Judicial Document From(For Trial Implementation)Related to the Regulation on Civil Evidence 19


Criminal Case of Contractual Fraud: Committed by Wu Lianda 27

Case of Dispute Over the Advertisement Which Offers a Reward: Lu Ruigeng v.Dong Cang City Public Security Bureau 30

Case of Stock Right Dispute: Xie Minshi v.Zhang Ruichang & Jin Gang Company 32

Case Over Administrative Coercive Measure: Feng Xiang Company v.Shanghai Municipal Salt Affairs Bureau 35

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