Regulations on Administration of Business Premises for Internet Access Services

Updated : 2015-09-11

Chapter III Operations

Article 14All units operating business premises for Internet access services and consumers of Internet access services shall not make use of the business premises for Internet access services to create, download, reproduce, search, release, spread or employ in other means the information involving the following contents:

(1) opposing the basic principles set forth by the Constitution;

(2) harming the unity, sovereignty or territorial integrity of the State;

(3) divulging State secrets, harming State security or harming State honor and interests;

(4) inciting national enmity or discrimination, undermining the unity of the nationalities, or infringing upon national customs and habits;

(5) undermining the State's policy on religion, or advocating a heresy or superstition;

(6) spreading rumors, disturbing the social order or undermining social stability;

(7) advocating obscenity, gambling, violence or instigating a crime;

(8) insulting or slandering another person, or infringing upon another person's lawful rights and interests;

(9) harming social ethics or excellent national cultural traditions; or

(10) involving other contents prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

Article 15All units operating business premises for Internet access services and consumers of Internet access services shall not conduct any of the following activities that harm the security of information networks:

(1) intentionally creating or spreading computer viruses or other destructive programs;

(2) illegally invading a computer information system or destroying the functions, data or application programs of a computer information system; or

(3) conducting other activities prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

Article 16A unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall be connected to the Internet through an Internet access service provider who has obtained an operation permit according to law, and shall not be connected to the Internet by other means.

The computers provided to consumers of Internet access services by a unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall be linked to the Internet through LAN, and shall not be directly linked to the Internet.

Article 17No unit operating business premises for Internet access services may operate non-network games.

Article 18All units operating business premises for Internet access services and consumers of Internet access services shall not make use of online games or take other means to gamble or conduct any gambling activities in a disguised form.

Article 19A unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall implement technical management measures, establish an onsite inspection system for the premises, and upon discovery of any activities listed in Article 14, 15 or 18 of these Regulations or any other illegal activities conducted by consumers of Internet access services, stop them right away and report the case to the culture administration department and the public security organ.

Article 20A unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall hang its Permit for Cyber-Culture Business and business license in a prominent position in the premises.

Article 21A unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall not admit minors to its premises.

A unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall hang a no-minors-in sign in a prominent position at the entrance to the premises.

Article 22The business hours of each day for the business premises for Internet access services shall be limited between 0800 hours and 2400 hours.

Article 23A unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall check and register the identity cards or other valid credentials of consumers of Internet access services, and make a record on relevant log-on information. The registered contents and copies of the record shall be kept for a period not less than 60 days, and shall be provided to the culture administration department and the public security organ when they conduct inquiry according to law. All the registered contents and copies of the record shall not be modified or deleted within the save period.

Article 24A unit operating business premises for Internet access services shall fulfill the responsibilities of maintaining the security of information networks, public security and fire control security according to law, and comply with the following provisions:

(1) prohibiting lighting by flaming and smoking, and hanging the no-smoking sign;

(2) prohibiting bringing in or storing any inflammable or explosive goods;

(3) not allowing fitting any fixed bars sealing up doors or windows;

(4) prohibiting blocking or locking up doors, windows, the safe evacuation passage or emergency exit during business hours; and

(5) not allowing stopping the implementation of technical safety measures without authorization.