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Dutch girl looks for Chinese biological parents

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-03-30

Dutch girl looks for Chinese biological parents

A photo of Zhao Guoguo's Weibo account looking for her birth parents. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

A 25-year-old woman who grew up in the Netherlands is looking for her biological parents, who reside in Zunyi, Guizhou province.

Zhao Guoguo was born on Sept 6, 1993. She lived at a social welfare home in Zunyi city until July 1995 when she was adopted by a family from the Netherlands.

A man surnamed Zhou picked up Zhao, then just a crying baby, at the gate of the then-intermediate people's court of Zunyi (now Fayuan Road) on the morning of Sept 8, 1993. He took the baby to the hospital for a health check and nourishment before reporting the case to the police. The baby was then sent to a social welfare home in Honghuagang district and named Zhao Guoguo, according to admission archives.

Zhao believes she may have been born downtown, near the welfare home.

Last October, Zhao tried to find her birth parents using Weibo, a Chinese social platform, but had little success due to the time zone difference and language barrier.

She then contacted Live Zunyi, a live program of Zunyi Radio & TV Station, on March 22.

"A woman took very good care of me at the welfare home. She brought me to her home every weekend," Zhao said on the program. She and her foster parents located the caretaker in 2004 when visiting the welfare home, but didn't exchange contact info, except for a photo.

A few days ago, the caretaker, named He Guangyu, contacted the program and got Zhao's contact information. He Guangyu wasn't a nurse but frequented the welfare home as a volunteer to help care for the unfortunate children.

Dutch girl looks for Chinese biological parents

A photo of Zhao Guoguo and He Guangyu, the caretaker who looked after Zhao at the welfare home in Zunyi. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

"After Guoguo was adopted, I missed her a lot. I'm happy she now has a family and parents who love her," she said.

Zhao was among the first foreign adoptions in Zunyi. Foreign couples must submit materials to the Chinese adoption center under charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China and undergo strict examinations before adoption.

She now lives with her foster parents and sister in Groningen, northeast Netherlands, working as a chef in a restaurant.

"I love my Dutch parents, they mean a lot to me. I would like to spend holidays in Zunyi with my biological parents if I can find them," said Zhao.

Dutch girl looks for Chinese biological parents

A photo of Zhao Guoguo, her foster parents and sister in the Netherlands. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

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