2014巴西世界杯 > 世界大报FIFA版

商业内幕:讨好赞助商索尼 FIFA封杀魔声耳机


2014-06-19 15:31:29




Neymar likes them Brazil-green. England's Wayne Rooney, white. Luis Suarez, blue.


Banned from the pitch by FIFA for licensing reasons, the bulky Beats headphones are a favorite for many of the world's top players, making the World Cup a huge unofficial ad for the company acquired by Apple Inc last month.


The colorful high-end headphones created by rapper Dr Dre have become a ubiquitous soccer accessory.

说唱歌手Dr Dre开发的这款多种配色的高端耳机已经成为了球员们的必备单品。

Neymar wore them as he stepped off the bus at the Castelao stadium of Fortaleza for Brazil's last training season on the eve of their match with Mexico on Tuesday.

周二,内马尔在结束了与墨西哥的赛前训练之后,在巴西福塔雷萨(Fortaleza)的卡斯特劳球场(Castelao stadium)外走出巴士的时候就戴着一副魔声耳机。

Suarez had them wrapped around his neck as he joked with his Uruguay team mates during a break at a recent practice.


But soccer world governing body FIFA's licensing agreement with rival electronics maker Sony Corp means players have to take them off when they are in World Cup stadiums for official matches and media events.


Marketing experts say that probably only amplifies their appeal.


"When fans see World Cup athletes wearing Beats in their downtime, by choice, it has as much impact as seeing them lace their Adidas (boots) or sip a sponsored beverage," said strategist Ellen Petry Leanse, a former Apple and Google executive.

“当球迷们看到球员在休息时戴着魔声耳机,其影响力就跟看到球员身穿阿迪达斯运动鞋或喝着赞助商饮料一样大。”分析师艾伦·佩特里·林赛(Ellen Petry Leanse)指出,他曾担任过苹果和谷歌的高管。

"Maybe more, actually – Beats isn't a sponsor, so the message is more authentic and credible."


Acquired by Apple for $3 billion, Beats Electronics is known for "guerrilla marketing" tactics to bypass licensing barriers.

Beats Electronics已被苹果公司以30亿美元的价格收购,这家公司以其“游击营销”策略而著称,这种策略是指可帮助其绕过授权障碍。

During the 2012 Olympics in London, for instance, the company sent thousands of free headphones to high profile athletes including the U.S. basketball team and the entire British delegation, outsmarting official sponsor Panasonic.


Officials at Beats were not available for comment on their strategy at the Olympics and this World Cup.


A 5-minute film featuring Neymar, Suarez, Germany's Mario Goetze, Netherlands' Robin van Persie, Mexico's Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez and other players wearing Beats headphones released days before the World Cup has been seen by 10.6 million people on YouTube.


Its name? "The Game Before the Game".


Sony this month issued all players participating in the World Cup with a free set of its own headphones they can take to the games.


But so far few players have been spotted with them wrapped around their necks.


(译者 小爱Tiana 编辑 齐磊)



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