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偶像派 idol type 脑残体 leetspeak

靠谱 reasonable 空巢 empty nest

铁杆 loyal 网恋 online love affair

喝高了 get drunk;贺岁片 film shown during the New Year

钉子户 nail household;海待,海龟, 海归

跟帖 responses;骨灰级 hardcore

忽悠 agitate one to believe;黑车 illegal taxi

撮 eat; 打车 take a taxi

黄昏恋 twilight love; 话唠 somebody who is talkative

过劳死 death from overwork; 哈韩族

骨感 bony

搞定 settle;高考移民

概念车 concept car

封杀 strangle;非物质文化遗产 intangible cultural heritage

返券 gift coupon returned; 饭局 dinner party

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