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股民 stock investor 韩流 Korean wave

黑哨 black whistle 黄金周 golden week

刺儿头 troublesome 大片儿 big-budget films

房爷 house lender 风险投资 venture investment

灯泡 bulb 豆腐渣工程 poorly constructed buildings

持卡族 credit card holders 纯天然 pure and natural

吃心 suspicious 收入分配 income distribution

暴走 walk swiftly 当红 popular

蹦极 bungee jumping 边缘化 ignored by the mainstream

超前 ahead of the times 饭友 meal pal

驴友 backpacker 闪玩 flash play

猫腻 illegal deal 没劲 boring

双赢 win-win 套牢 be tied up

猎头 headhunting 留守 left-behind

靓汤 delicious soup 龙头企业 leading company

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