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China Daily Website

Courtroom participants forbidden to broadcast trials

Updated: 2012-12-25 07:52
( Xinhua)

The Criminal Procedural Law was amended in March during the annual session of the National People's Congress, the top legislative body, to include the phrase "respecting and protecting human rights" in the law's first chapter.

The revised law stresses protecting suspects and defendants from "illegal restriction, detention and arrest."

According to the interpretation, collegiate benches should listen to the defense counsel during the review of a death sentence if the defense counsel wishes to express its opinion.

For witnesses who refuse to appear in court without a proper reason, the chief justice may sign a decree to force the witnesses to appear.

To better protect the safety of witnesses, courts should refrain from releasing names, addresses or other private information regarding the witnesses, as well as avoid exposing their voices and faces, the interpretation read.

The interpretation also forbids forcing defendents to confess by torturing them physically or mentally.

Compensation standards for incidental civil actions were clarified in the interpretation, according to the SPC statement.

The SPC statement said the interpretation, which will go into effect along with the new Criminal Procedure Law on January 1, 2013, will help to ensure the effective implementation of the law and safeguard human rights.

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