Counterfeit brand-name goods seized in Guangzhou
Customs officers across Guangzhou, Guangdong province, have seized more than 55,000 counterfeit brand-name items during a special campaign launched in the first half of the year, a statement released by officials over the weekend said.
The 1,004 groups of trademark- and patent-infringing goods were valued at 3.23 million yuan ($461,428), the statement said.
The goods mainly comprise clothing, shoes and boots, leather bags, personal care products, watches and consumer electronics, the statement said, adding that the crackdown helped protect 61 intellectual property rights holders from home and abroad.
In addition to foreign big brands, including LV, Gucci and Nike, many of the infringing goods were found to have infringed on the rights of Huawei, VIVO, Hisense and other major domestic brands, it said.
The operation dealt a heavy blow to the unethical thieves in Guangdong province, the statement said.
Guangzhou customs officials said they will continue to expand cooperation with their counterparts from the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, and more special campaigns and actions will be launched in the weeks to come.