Global General

Myanmar to introduce anti-terrorism law soon

Updated: 2010-05-06 16:55
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NAY PYI TAW - Myanmar will enact an anti- terrorism law in the next two or three months to combat terrorist activities in the country, police chief brigadier-general Khin Yi told the press in Nay Pyi Taw on Thursday.

Khin Yi made the remarks when he briefed the status of investigation into the bomb explosion at a water festival pandal in Yangon in April.

He said the bomb blast was aimed to undermine the country's stability and the coming general election and to create panic among people.

He revealed that the authorities have captured Wai Phyo Aung ( also named Thet Khine), one of the four bombers who belong to an anti-government organization -- the Vigorous Burmese Students Warriors (VBSW) -- and the incident was masterminded by the Kayin National Union (KNU), the largest anti-government ethnic armed group.

The VBSW was declared by the government as a terrorist group in 2006.

Khin Yi added that investigation into bomb blasts in other places in the country is also underway.

A series of three bomb blasts in front of a water throwing pandal on Mingala Taung Nyunt township's Kandawkyi Ring Road in Kandawkyi lake park area on April 15 killed 10 people and injured 168 others.

The Myanmar authorities have earlier verified that the three blasts were caused by grenades, while a time bomb unexploded.

The other bomb explosions occurred at the compound of a check point in southeastern Kayin state's Kawkareik on April 14, injuring three persons, and on April 17 at four worksites of the Myitsone hydropower dam project in the upper reaches of the Ayeyawaddy River in northernmost Kachin state on April 17, injuring one person and destroying two temporary buildings and six motor vehicles.  

Several unexploded bombs were also found at the hydropower project sites.

Moreover, another series of three grenade attacks on the Thaukyegat hydropower project in Myanmar's Bago division on April 27 injured at least four people.