WORLD> Europe
Russian convoy leaves key Georgian city
Updated: 2008-08-19 21:02

A column of Russian tanks and armoured vehicles moves in the direction of Tskhinvali from the Georgian city of Gori August 19, 2008. Russian troops, tanks and armoured vehicles started to withdraw from the Georgian town of Gori on Tuesday. [Agencies]

RUISI, Georgia -- A small column of Russian tanks and armored vehicles has left the strategically key Georgian city of Gori and an officer says they are headed back to Russia.

Meanwhile, Russia and Georgia exchanged prisoners captured during their brief war, while NATO foreign ministers prepared to hold an emergency meeting in Brussels over a unified response to the unrest.

Related readings:
 Russia, US in war of words
 Troops pulling out of Georgia: Russia
 Georgia signs ceasefire, US blasts Russia
 Russia: Georgia can 'forget' regaining provinces

The column, which also included what appeared to be a mobile rocket-launcher, passed the village of Ruisi, outside Gori on the road to South Ossetia on Tuesday afternoon.

Col. Igor Konoshenkov, a Russian military officer, told The Associated Press at the scene that the unit was headed for South Ossetia and, ultimately, back to Russia.

Konoshenkov said the movement was part of the Russian pullback mandated by the cease-fire.

It requires both sides to return troops to the positions they held before the Aug. 7 outbreak of heavy fighting in South Ossetia.