• Innovation Platforms
Innovation Platforms

Aerospace industry cluster        2011-11-14

The space information service and navigation industry in Zhongguancun represented by Beidou navigation system has thoroughly changed China‘s dependence on foreign products and technologies.

Electronic information industry cluster        2011-11-14

Zhongguancun has preliminarily formed an electronic information industry cluster with international competitiveness.

New material industry cluster        2011-11-14

Some advanced functional materials and structural materials made in Zhongguancun have been applied in information, biology, new energies and aerospace sectors.

New energy vehicle industry cluster        2011-11-14

Zhongguancun has formed an electric vehicle industrial chain in the new energy vehicle sector, covering drive motors, power cells and other key technologies

New energy, energy conservation and environmental protection industry cluster        2011-11-14

Companies in the park have developed world-class systems and equipment in nuclear power, wind power, solar power and other new energy sectors.

Equipment industry cluster        2011-11-14

Zhongguancun has developed and produced a string of high-end equipment at an international advanced level.

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