NETDA looks for ways to help college students find jobs

Updated: 2013-10-21 13:25

By Zhao Qian (

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A recent job fair at the Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area, Nantong, Jiangsu province, targeted college grads and it started a series of similar activities planned by the area to help them find the job they want.

The Oct 14 event attracted 46 enterprises who were offering more than 900 jobs and more than 600 people who were curious, and 147 of the hopefuls reaching an intention agreement with the enterprises.

There are expected to be more job fairs held for the students who graduated the past July but have not had any luck in finding a job. The idea is to take the student's major as well as their characteristics into consideration.

Meanwhile, the area is also encouraging college students to start their own business and has even come up with policies that encourage this, as well as training and small loans as necessary support.

Edited by Roger Bradshaw