From the Readers

Ban smoking in public

Updated: 2010-05-11 11:07
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Comment on "China to ban smoking in public spaces in 2011" (, May 10)

Smoking ban is already in effect in many parts of the world, including some European countries and many parts of the US.

Now, in the UK, the ban covers virtually all enclosed public spaces and offices meaning that we can all get on with our daily lives (travel, shop, work, etc) free from second hand smoke. For example, I can now relax and enjoy a good evening out with my family in a restaurant in a smoke free environment - unless someone has ordered a sizzling hot plate dish!

I welcome China for her continuing good effort to make people's life better, by taking this positive step to ban smoking which will ensure a healthier environment, and in turn a healthier nation.

Well done China, keep up the good work!

freeviewer, on China Daily Website