From Chinese Press

US Cold War mentality

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-05-06 08:02
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The US has no right to demand that China release information about its nuclear arsenal, and it should first fulfill its promises in the nuclear disarmament arena, according to an article in the Global Times. Excerpts:

The US Department of Defense released information relating to the number of nuclear warheads in its possession on May 3, and demanded that other nuclear powers, especially China, follow suit. China should be alert to the US' real intention.

The number of US nuclear weapons goes far beyond what it needs practically, and is a potential safety hazard to itself. Reducing its nuclear arsenal will not undermine the US' nuclear deterrence capability, and, in fact, may save on costs.

Thus, transparency in nuclear issues is actually best for the US, which has the highest confidence regarding its military might globally.

As for China, nuclear weapons are necessary to guarantee its own security and for maintaining regional stability and peace.

Keeping secret information regarding its nuclear weapons capability is key to ensuring nuclear deterrence, considering China's nuclear weapons capability is not strong enough. Actually, China has been continually showing transparency regarding nuclear matters in recent years.

That the US is pressurizing China on coming clean about its nuclear arsenal indicates that it still has a Cold War mentality, and that it regards China as a potential military adversary. The US has no claim on China on the issue of nuclear disarmament. It should fulfill its own promises in the nuclear field first.

(China Daily 05/06/2010 page9)