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Yunnan combines culture with baking

By Wang Yifei ( chinadaily.com.cn )

An exhibition combining culture and baking will be held in Kunming to celebrate Christmas, Yunnan province on Dec 25 to 27, yunnan.net reported.

The event will have several activities such as a painting exhibition and baking competition.

Cultural experts as well as baking masters will be invited to cooperate to create cakes that will be later eaten by the visitors.

Local artist Xu Bojun will be showing his printmaking while Lao Wei will showcase his Chinese Landscape Painting. Top Korean artists will be exhibiting their work, composed with thousands of jewels.

There will also be a DIY area where visitors can do basic baking under the guidance of professionals. A coffee art contest will also be held for the visitors.

The sponsors will invite university students to make patterns with Kunming elements by ground coffee and coffee beans.

There will also be a commodity exhibition where visitors can get novel creative cultural products as souvenirs.

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