
Pingyao International Film Festival

Crouching Tigers section

Updated: 2017-10-28
( chinadaily.com.cn)

Crouching Tigers section

Rey's Education

Director: Santiago Esteves

Scriptwriter: Juan Manuel Bordon/Santiago Esteves

Starring: Germán de Silva/Matías Encina/Esteban Lamothe/Jorge Prado/Walter Jakob

Category: Drama

Country: Argentina

Language: Spanish

Length: 96min

Reynaldo Galíndez (alias "Rey"), a young man, has recently joined a gang of thieves. During a theft, two of the other gang members, one of whom is Rey's elder brother, are arrested by the police while Rey escapes. During his escape, Rey lands on the patio of a house inhabited by Carlos Vargas, a retired security guard. Vargas offers him a deal: the young boy will repair the damage caused to his home in return for not being handed over to the police. The lessons given to Rey by Carlos give rise to a relationship not unlike the old legends of educating a king (for "Rey" means "king"). But the agreement soon starts to fall apart when the loose ends of the robbery Reynaldo had participated in start wrapping themselves around them…

Crouching Tigers section

The Rider

Director: Chloé Zhao

Scriptwriter: Chloé Zhao

Leading cast: Brady Jandreau / Tim Jandreau / Lilly Jandreau / Lane Scott / Cat Clifford

Category: Drama

Country: USA

Language: English

Length: 104min

Once a rising star on the rodeo circuit, young cowboy Brady is informed that his competition days are over following a tragic riding accident. Back home, Brady finds himself wondering what he has to live for when he can no longer do what gives him a sense of purpose: to ride and compete. In an attempt to regain control of his life, Brady undertakes a search for a new identity and tries to redefine his idea of what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.


Pingyao Wantuo

Wantuo, a type of noodle from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), is one of Pingyao's local snacks with a long history.

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