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Foehl treats staff to Disney day out
2016-11-23 15:43

It's a well-known business practice to make sure employees are treated well and appreciated. German-based zinc die cast part maker is well aware of that, and so it treated its employees and their families from its Taicang operations to a day out at Shanghai Disney on Oct 14.

Foehl treats staff to Disney day out

Foehl staff and their families pose on their big day out at Shanghai Disney. [Photo/Taicang Daily]

Foehl's some 300 staff members gathered at the gates of the famous theme park to pose for a group photo before entering to start their fun-filled day.

Foehl treats staff to Disney day out

Foehl staff enjoy the Alice in Wonderland attraction at Shanghai Disney. [Photo/Taicang Daily]

Every two years Foehl organizing a big outing to help promote cohesion and treat its staff for all of their hard work. This year’s trip cost 200,000 yuan ($29,686).

Foehl treats staff to Disney day out

Foehl's CEO Jochen Kikorowicz poses for a photo with children of company's staff. [Photo/Taicang Daily]

The staff and their families thoroughly enjoyed the day out, soaking up the fantasy atmosphere and going as made rides as they could. A particular highlight was the spectacular fireworks display as the day came to a close.

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