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泰安各地: 新泰市 肥城市 宁阳县 东平县 泰山区 岱岳区
Haering brings German-style education to Taicang
2016-11-11 14:39

German-based company Haering Precision (Taicang), a manufacturer of precision components and subassemblies for the automotive industry, has been a strong contributor to Sino-German education in Taicang.

The company arrived in Taicang during 2009 and following rapid development and expansion established the Haering Academy in 2013, a vocational training center that works cooperatively with other local vocational schools.

The academy has introduced local students to a German education system and offers training and apprenticeship programs to grade three students from local polytechnic schools.

Courses are delivered by both Chinese and German teachers and the academy continually offers professional and academic opportunities in the Taicang to outstanding candidates. Since September of this year, the academy has started receiving students from junior colleges.

In order to boost the innovation and creativity of students, Haering has launched the Juergen Haering scholarship, in honor of the company's current president. This is another feather in the school's cap and follows on from the Anto Haering scholarship, named after the company's founder.

Haering has also made efforts to boost local early education opportunities in the area and opened the first Sino-German kindergarten in 2016.

The kindergarten recruited its first batch of students in September and has been successfully introducing the German early education experience to local children. German techniques tend to foster independence and promote the hands-on capabilities of young students.

The Haering facility also offers the opportunity for local Chinese families to learn German and take part in other educational courses.

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