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Pingtan appears on CCTV weather forecast

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-01-20

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Residents in Pingtan, Fujian province, are taking pride in the city's recent appearance on a weather forecast on China Central Television (CCTV).

Pingtan appears on CCTV weather forecast

A screen grab of a weather forecast for Pingtan on CCTV 13. [Photo.pingtan.gov.cn]

The weather forecast is aired at about 6:55 am following the Morning News on CCTV channels 1 and 13. Pingtan got a five-second frame with weather information for three consecutive days.

Making it onto CCTV’s weather forecast is of great significance to the promotion of Pingtan’s image, said Gao Chengliang, director of the local meteorological bureau.

The background photo – a customs checkpoint – is taken by local reporter Nian Wangshu. There is an alternative photo too which captures the beautiful landscape of Shipaiyang Reefs, said Gao.

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