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Construction continues at Niuzhai Mountain Tunnel during holidays

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-02-07

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Construction continues at Niuzhai Mountain Tunnel during holidays

The workers are digging the remaining length of about 150 meters for the Niuzhai Mountain Tunnel in Pingtan. [Photo/pingtan.gov.cn]

More than 300 shift workers “rotated” around the clock at the Niuzhai Mountain Tunnel in Pingtan county, Fujian, during the Spring Festival holiday from Jan 31 to Feb 6, in order to meet the April deadline of the project, which concerns the first tunnel on Pingtan Island.

The authorities plan to open the tunnel - which stretches a total of 1,697 meters – in June, and the workers are digging the remaining length of about 150 meters.

According to schedule, the tunnel will be ready for operation in June.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Niva Whyman