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Fujian-Taiwan Business Communication Conference kicks off

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-10-16

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A Fujian-Taiwan Business Communication Conference was held in Pingtan county, Fujian province on Oct 14.

Chen Dongrong, the deputy head of the Administrative Committee of the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, and other participants, including 130 entrepreneurs from both sides of the Taiwan Strait communicated at the conference, both on business development.

Chen gave an introduction on Pingtan's opening-up and development including the zone's planning, objectives and preferential policies. He hopes, by taking opportunities from the conference, the Taiwan participants can learn more about Pingtan and play an active role in Pingtan's development.

The Taiwan participants present gave their opinions on cultural communication and business exchange at the conference. The surname culture is an important part of cultural research, communication and investment attraction,they said.

The conference will strengthen cross-Straits ties and bring in more business opportunities. Its organizers include Fujian Nameroot Searching Institute and Kaohsiung Economic Industrial Development Association.