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Pingtan offers taxation benefits for enterprises

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-09-30

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Enterprises with their headquarters settled in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, Fujian province, will enjoy favorable taxation polices, reported the Xinhua News Agency on Tuesday, Sept 24.

The local administrative committee has announced that it will reimburse those enterprises with 70 percent equivalent of the taxes they pay to local government in the first five years. The amount rises to 80 percent for large companies such as Fortune 500, China 500, State-owned firms and Taiwan's Top 100 companies.

Besides the large chunk in tax reduction, the government also pledges to provide the qualified companies with a series of preferential policies, such as reward for economic contribution, discount on property rent and talent support, to better boost the investment environment.

Currently the Pingtan government have approved the establishment of headquarters of four enterprises. The Fujian Zhongfu Industries Ltd, Shantian Forestry Ltd, Dongxing Securities and the Funeng (Pingtan) Finance Leasing Ltd will be eligible to open headquarters in Pingtan.

The settling of the four headquarter enterprises will play a positive role in Pingtan's economic development as it will help increase the gross domestic product and tax revenue of Pingtan, said insiders from the local bureau of finance.