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Pingtan vows to speed up construction of free port

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-09-30

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The Pingtan administrative committee held an internal symposium to discuss matters concerning faster construction of its free port.

The free port, once established, will not impose any tariffs on goods unless otherwise prescribed by law.

Pingtan has submitted an application to become a pilot free port to the State Council, or China's cabinet, and has kicked off preparation work prior to construction, said Gong Qinggai, director of the committee.

A free port is an open supervision area that boasts the most favorable policies and a set of integrated functions. It has incomparable advantages in freedom of investment, trade, financing and transportation. Pingtan can only achieve greater success in opening-up and development after building a free port, he added.

The natural and geographic advantages of Pingtan will also contribute to construction of the free port, as it is the closest point in the Chinese mainland to Taiwan, and has decent port conditions and infrastructure.

In 2010, the central government decided to make Pingtan the first and only economic pilot zone opening up to Taiwan. After three years of construction, Pingtan has established a solid foundation for a cross-Straits logistics hub.

What's more, a new integrated customs regulatory system was implemented in Pingtan on August 1, based on orders from the National Development and Reform Commission. It includes the establishment of two levels of customs barriers, a supervision system around the whole of Pingtan, a digital platform concerning information about customs supervision, and a petty trade market that is open to residents of Pingtan and Taiwan. The systems will help boost the efficiency and proficiency of Pingtan's customs work.

Gong stressed Pingtan's close ties with Taiwan in the process of building a free port and vowed to set up a common market benefiting both.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Michael Thai