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Central department sends survey team to Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-07-24

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An inspection team from the CPC Central Organization Department visited Pingtan on July 17 and 18 to carry out investigations on its development.

The team, headed by Zeng Xianqin, deputy director of the No 2 bureau of the department, toured the Business Operation Center, Haixia Ruyi real estate project, TPK Technology Ltd, a pipe project along Tanxi Road, a petty trade market opening up to residents of Pingtan and Taiwan, and the Aoqian Passenger Terminal.

After three years of construction, Pingtan has improved its facility conditions, said Gong Qinggai, director of the Pingtan administrative committee, adding that Pingtan has introduced a lot of high-tech enterprises for further development.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Micheal Thai