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Pingtan to build softball field

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-07-24

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Site selection of a baseball/softball field has kicked off in Pingtan as the county prepares to host softball games during the eighth National Intercity Games.

The eighth National Intercity Games will be held in Fujian province in 2015. It is the first time it will hold a State-level sports meeting.

The provincial sports authorities decided to put the softball games in Pingtan, which means it will build the first standard baseball/softball field in the province.

The provincial sports authorities have also conducted a series of investigations and surveys, and offered suggestions on the construction of the baseball/softball field.

The local cultural and sports bureau said they have made three sets of construction plans and are waiting for a response from the Pingtan administrative committee.

Baseball has a history of more than 100 years in Taiwan and is the most popular sport on the island. The construction of a top-tier baseball/softball field will boost cross-Straits communication, said insiders.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Micheal Thai