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Pingtan spruces up old town

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-06-27

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The concept of Street Furniture has tapped into a refurbishment project of streets in the old town of Pingtan county in the coastal province of Fujian.

Street furniture is a collective term for objects and equipment installed on streets and roads for various public purposes. The term includes benches, traffic barriers, bollards, post boxes, phone boxes, streetlamps, and traffic lights. An important consideration in the design of street furniture is how it affects the road safety.

The county government has reached cooperation deals with a design company to renovate streets in the old town and at the same time intensify the streets' overall aesthetic feeling.

"We have decorated many bus stops and public restrooms," said Xie Shaolang, deputy director of a local planning bureau, "Now we decide to add more road fences, parterres, benches and so on to improve the level."

The old town's new outlook will reflect Pingtan's unique regional cultures, he added.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Micheal Thai