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Pingtan kite surfer leads KTA tour

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-05-16

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A 12-year-old Pingtan girl is leading her division in the Pingtan leg of the Kiteboard Tour Asia as of Saturday, the Pingtan Times reported.

The talented young rider, Chen Jingyue, hails from Pingtan, Southeast China's Fujian province. She finished first in the women's course racing TT class on Saturday.

Chen started kitesurfing only one year ago and has developed into a sensational athlete. She became the runner for the second time in the previous two KTA stops in Thailand and the Philippines.

Performing in front of the home crowd, Chen said she feels more motivated to win.

"The sport of kitesurfing is so exciting. I am so into it," said Chen.

"I will keep training hard. I hope one day kitesurfing will become an Olympic sport," she added.