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Travel peak hits Pingtan as holiday ends

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-05-07

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Long queues were seen at Pingtan Minyun Bus Station on Wednesday, May 1, as a large group of tourists and students prepared to return home as the May Day holiday drew to an end.

Statistics showed that more than 9,100 passengers took buses at the station during the three-day holiday, a 10 percent year-on-year increase.

As the popularity of Fujian's Pingtan county grows, thanks to its natural beauty and rich culture, more and more people are deciding to tour the glamorous island.

"I planned to spend one day here. But we had so much fun that I decided to stay for another day," said Zhang Tang who works in the adjacent Fuzhou city.

"Thank god we launched extra shuttle buses yesterday, which relieved transportation pressure a lot," said Jiang Cunzong, a director with the bus station.

The station put 15 more bus shifts into operation on April 30, transferring more than 2,000 passengers. On May 1, another 60 plus shifts were added to help roughly 3,777 bus riders, according to Jiang.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Michael Thai