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Updated : 2015-05-28

In the process of trial, the rules must be abided by litigation participants and bystanders

According to relevant laws of China, in the process of trial, litigation participants and bystanders shall abide by the following disciplines: (1) obey the command of court and abide by the court etiquette; (2) shall not applaud, make noise, horse around, and walk around; (3) shall not record, take video or photos of trial activities, or transmit the trial by sending through means such as emails, blogs, micro blogs, except doing so by journalists with the permission of the people’s court; (4) bystanders shall not speak or ask questions; (5) shall not conduct any other acts disturbing the order of the court.

Where litigation participants or bystanders disturb the order of the court, the presiding judge shall deal with it respectively in accordance with the following situations: (1) if the circumstances are relatively light, shall warn them to stop and conduct disciplinary; (2) if they do not listen to the judge to stop, may command the court bailiffs to take them out of the court forcibly; (3) if the circumstances are serious, with the approval of the president of the court, may fine 1,000 Yuan or render a detention for not more than fifteen days; (4) for without permission, recording, taking video or photos of trial activities, or transmitting the trial by sending through means such as emails, blogs, micro blogs, may temporarily seize the storage media or related equipment.
