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China’s cancer prevention and treatment three-year action plan (2015-2017)

Source: en.nhfpc.gov.cn

Updated: 2015-09-15

5. Promote cancer screening, early diagnosis and treatment strategy. Expand early diagnosis and treatment coverage for frequently-occurring cancers whose screening technology is mature, such as esophageal and cervical cancers. Optimize underdeveloped screen technologies.

6. Raise cancer diagnosis and treatment level. Strengthen cancer diagnosis and treatment capacity of medical institutions, standardize tumor treatment, and improve the patient's survival rate and life quality.

7. Promote anti-tumor medicine development and production.

8. Advance the use of traditional Chinese medicine in cancer prevention and treatment.

8. Advance the use of traditional Chinese medicine in cancer prevention and treatment.

10. Encourage the popularization of science, and raise public cancer awareness.

In addition to those major measures, the plan will include these supporting measures:

1. Strengthen leadership and team building, and improve work mechanisms.

2. Strengthen, support, and broaden financing channels.

3. Strengthen development of talent-based teams.

4. Strengthen supervision and inspection, and carry out effect assessments.

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Link: China's Central Government / World Health Organization / United Nations Population Fund / UNICEF in China

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