Jilin deputies submit 155 motions, suggestions to NPC

Updated: 2020-05-28

Jilin deputies submit 155 motions, suggestions to NPC

Deputies to the 13th National People's Congress from Jilin province have a discussion about hot issues in Beijing. [Photo/Jilin Daily]

Deputies to the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) from Northeast China's Jilin province submitted 155 motions and suggestions to the NPC, according to local reports.

These covered areas such as COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development, the development of an environmentally friendly and green society, culture and education, medical treatment and public health, poverty alleviation and promoting Jilin's overall revitalization.

Local officials said the submissions were made following comprehensive consultations and preparations and reflected the wishes and concerns of the 27 million people of Jilin.

Getting these concerns and challenges addressed was key to Jilin's social and economic progress, poverty alleviation and rejuvenation, deputies said.

The third session of the 13th National People's Congress opened on May 22 and closed on May 28 in Beijing.

Jilin deputies submit 155 motions, suggestions to NPC

Jilin deputies discuss poverty alleviation and the revitalization of their province. [Photo/Jilin Daily]
