10 revealing scenes we didn't need to see
By Martha Brockenbrough
Updated: 2006-04-10 17:39

"9 1/2 Weeks" (1986)
The marketing tagline for this sex romp was, "They broke every rule."

I wouldn't say every rule. They obeyed the one that says "all male leads in '80s movies must work on Wall Street." Mickey Rourke's character John works by day as a commodities broker. By night, he has all kinds of experimental (read: food-based) sex with Elizabeth, an art-gallery assistant played by Kim Basinger.

"9? Weeks" did break one unbreakable rule. John and Elizabeth had exuberant sex in a New York staircase. Even Roger Ebert, who liked the film, objected to the "improbable gymnastic events" depicted therein.

My objections are more practical. This scene makes it look hot to debase a public staircase. This is the sort of thing that makes stairwells smell like pee, or worse. Also, it was raining during the scene, and they literally showered and drank water from a downspout. Don't they know malaria lasts a lot longer than 91/2  weeks?

"The Terminator"(1984)
Although Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't have any unhygienic sex in "The Terminator," he did darken an alley with his naked profile for no good reason.

Schwarzenegger plays a cyborg from the future, sent back to exterminate Sarah Connor before she gives birth to the man who'd later lead humanity in its war against the machines.

It's been said before, but I'll say it again: If they can figure out how to send a man through time, why can't they figure out how to send clothes? Even a Speedo?

No one wants to see a buck-naked governor of Cal-ee-forn-ee-a. These days, it only increases his chance of becoming president.

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