23. The 19th China Golden Rooster & Hundred Flowers Film Festival

23. The 19th China Golden Rooster & Hundred Flowers Film Festival

The closing ceremony of the 19th China Golden Rooster & Hundred Flowers Film Festival was held on October 16, 2010 in Jiangyin, Jiangsu province. The Founding of a Republic won the Best Feature Film award of the 30th Full Blossom awards. Feng Xiaogang was named best director. Actress Zhao Wei and Actor Chen Kun won the Best Leading Actress and Actor awards.

Many industry professionals think the credibility of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival has been declining in recent years and has reached its lowest point. If the situation doesn’t change, the festival might attract no interest several years from now. First, the participating films, filmmakers and actors are too old to mobilize any enthusiasm in the audience. The film Painted Skin, in which Chen Kun was nominated for best actor, for example, had been released in 2008. The audience may feel strange seeing this old film for evaluation in 2008. If You Are the One, for which Feng Xiaogang won the best director, was also released in 2008. Another decision under scrutiny this year was the change from mail-in voting to Internet and text message voting. Many fans are concerned that technology may cause flows in vote counting. Last but not least, there are no awards for the screenwriters, which some behind-the-scenes professionals perceive as ridicule. We are waiting to see how the Golden Rooster Hundred Flowers Award will be.

Ji Tao
Raymond Zhou
Renée Haines
Jules Quartly