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[ 2008-04-03 21:56 ]


文化面面观  Pacoima 洛杉矶柏科马市

考考你   一展身手





Jack: Is your watch slow?

Harry: Uh-uh. No, no. He jumped the gun. We had three minutes left.

Jack: Why does he do that? He's losing his three million.

Harry: I don't know. Maybe he couldn't hold his wad long enough. It's a common problem among middle -aged men. So I'm told.

Jack: He's here.

Harry: He could've blown that thing from Pacoima.

Jack: No. He knew we were up to something. He's close by.

Harry: He's not gonna corner himself in a building. We evacuated anyway. Come on. All right. He'd want to be here, but he'd want to stay mobile, right? The elevators.

Jack: The passenger cars were stopped. They checked them out.

Harry: What about the freight elevators?

Jack: Will the mystery guest please sign in?

Harry: What? Jack. Damn it! Get to the floor! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Howard Payne: Up! Get your ass up! I don't suppose anybody'll give me three million just for you. Hold it! Pop quiz, hot shot. Terrorist holding a police hostage. Got enough dynamite strapped to his chest to blow a building in half. Now, what do you do?

Jack: There's gonna be 50 cops waiting for you in the basement.

Howard Payne: Oh, standard flanking deployment, right? Well, maybe we'll get off on the third floor, huh?


1. Is your watch slow?


2. jump the gun

本来是指赛跑的时候,运动员没等到发令枪响就抢跑,后被引申指为“行动过早,匆忙行事”,例如:The local weather bureau jumped the gun on predicting a storm, it didn't happen for another two days. 当地的气象局预报早了,过了两天才有暴风雨来袭。

3. passenger car

这里是指passenger elevator(客用电梯),那货梯呢?就是 freight elevator,英国英语叫做 goods lift。


文化面面观  Pacoima 洛杉矶柏科马市

考考你   一展身手

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