Injera injection

By Blake Stone-Banks (
Updated: 2008-04-11 15:46

In addition to being Beijing's only Ethiopian restaurant, Ras strikingly sets itself apart from the city's mid-range and upscale restaurants with its decor. Colorful, Ethiopian umbrellas hang upside down from the ceiling, photographs of Ethiopia cover the walls, and above the bar is a large painting of Chairman Mao holding hands with Haile Selassie.

Traditional Western-style tables line Ras' perimeter, but at the center floor, there are a number of mesobs, vibrantly colored hand-woven baskets that are traditionally used as tables, especially recommended for diners with short legs. Ethiopian cuisine offers a range of tastes, from chilled bean salads to hot, spicy meats, but the process of eating is forever the same: Injera, Ethiopia's spongy flat bread, is spread across a large plate, and various entrees are spooned on top. Diners tear off pieces of injera, which they use to scoop up the dishes. For an introduction to Ethiopian cuisine The Taste of Ethiopia (300 yuan) is an excellent sampler of the menu and is sufficient for two to three diners. The We't Combo (120 yuan) offers four small dishes, of which we recommend the Te'siga We't (berbere spiced lamb) and Gomen (collard greens). For those wanting to try larger entrees, the Kitfo (120 yuan) is a delectable steak tartare served with kibe (herbed butter).

There are live dances each night at 8. The music may be too loud for casual conversation, but diners looking for a taste of Ethiopian culture over a quiet meal will enjoy the coffee ceremony each night at 7.

Tel: 8479-8388
Add: 14 Jiangtai Lu,H14


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