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Relief donations aid to be effective used

Updated: 2010-04-21 10:36
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BEIJING - The Ministry of Civil Affairs said yesterday that emergency shelters and new homes in Northwest China's Qinghai province quake zone took priority in spending donations.

In an urgent circular issued that the ministry urged provincial civil affairs authorities to ensure effective and transparent use of relief donations.

The latest overall number from the ministry showed the province had received donations of 375 million yuan ($54.9 million) in cash as well as goods and supplies worth 61.18 million yuan ($8.95 million) by Sunday.

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The ministry said in the circular an accounting system must be set up to keep track of donations, and expenditure must be made public.

It also asked the local authorities to strengthen supervision of the donations and vowed harsh punishments for offenses like embezzlement.

The ministry issued another circular Tuesday, saying relief supplies should be first given to the seriously injured as well as priority groups of pregnant women, children, the disabled and orphans.

A 7.1-magnitude quake jolted Yushu prefecture Wednesday morning, leaving at least 2,046 people dead and 12,135 injured.