
Wrongful conviction case under investigation

By Zhang Jiawei (
Updated: 2010-05-10 15:23
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The wrongful conviction in a murder case that caused Zhao Zuohai in Central China's Henan province to serve almost 10 years before his alleged victim returned home is under investigation, according to the Henan Higher People's Court.

Related readings:
Wrongful conviction case under investigation Murder convict set free after 'victim' turns up
Wrongful conviction case under investigation 'Murder victim' returns home after 10 years cited Zhang Liyong, chief judge of the court, as saying an investigation has been launched into the wrongful conviction, and that those who were responsible for the judicial error would be held accountable.

Zhang said judges should learn a lesson from the case and urged them to be more responsible. The judicial departments should take their responsibility for wrongfully convicting in the case even when many questionable points existed, Zhang said.

Mishandling official promoted

Zhu Peijun, who was directly responsible for the murder case that caused Zhao Zuohai a 10-year imprisonment had been promoted to a deputy director of the police station of Zhecheng county, Shangqiu city in Henan.

Other officials involved in the case include Ding Zhongqiu and Luo Mingzhu, with the former now acting as the deputy director general of the police station of Zhecheng county and the latter now working in the police station of Shangqiu city, the Beijing Times reported, without specifying their previous posts at the time Zhao was convicted.