Foreign and Military Affairs

Soviet soldiers' merits in China are remembered: Hu

By Sun Shangwu (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-05-10 07:22
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MOSCOW - China will not forget the deeds of Soviet Red Army soldiers who helped Chinese fight against Japanese invaders in northeastern China, President Hu Jintao said here on Saturday.

Soviet soldiers' merits in China are remembered: Hu
President Hu Jintao meets in Moscow on Saturday with war veterans, who fought along with Chinese pe ople against Japanese aggressors in China's northeast in the 1940s. Rao Aimin / Xinhua 

He made the remarks while meeting 20 war veterans who fought with Chinese people against Japanese aggressors in China's northeast in the 1940s.

On August 9, 1945, with the cooperation of Chinese soldiers, a 1-million-strong Soviet Red Army launched attacks on Japanese troops in northeastern China, dealing a heavy blow to Japanese invaders.

Nine days later, the Japanese army stationed in northeastern China, also known as the Kwantung Army, surrendered.

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The 20 veterans, now in their 80s and 90s, are representatives of Red Army soldiers who marched into the battleground of northeastern China.

President Hu praised the Soviet Red Army for "making an important contribution to helping the Chinese win the final victory over Japanese invasions."

The Chinese and Russian people forged a profound friendship in the war against fascists, said Hu, adding that such friendship is the solid foundation for the "strategic partnership for coordination".

"For the past decades, we have missed the Chinese and Russian heroes and martyrs who devoted their lives to the victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and will always remember their contributions," said Hu.

He advocated for the correct "concept of history" - referring to the recognition of the Soviets' important role in the anti-fascist war and their assistance to China in the fight against Japanese occupation.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviets liberated a dozen European nations from Nazi Germany's rule and 27 million Soviet people were killed in the conflict.

In the main battlefield in the Asia-Pacific, China fought Japanese invaders for eight years, playing a pivotal role in winning the victory of the anti-fascist war in the world. More than 35 million Chinese people lost their lives.

China and Russia, as two permanent members of the UN Security Council, should increase their strategic coordination and make joint efforts to build a new international political order, Hu said.

General M.A. Gareev, 87, echoed Hu's remarks by calling for closer cooperation between China and Russia, noting that the increasing partnership has become the guarantee for peace in the world.

Gareev, who took part in the war liberating the city of Mudanjiang in northeastern China in 1945, said the Chinese troops played important roles in the war, adding that history should not be distorted.

President Hu awarded each veteran a peace medal and presented them albums of historical pictures of the Red Army in northeastern China in the 1940s.

The Chinese president also gave acoustic equipment, famous Maotai liquor and Pu'er tea from China as gifts to the veterans. In return, he received a traditional Russian tea-making utensil and a book from the veterans.

President Hu arrived in Moscow on Saturday afternoon and joined other state leaders on Sunday for the parade in Moscow's Red Square and wreath-laying ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Five years ago, Hu also visited Moscow to attend ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War and also met veterans on the occasion.