Foreign and Military Affairs

Chinese missile frigate makes port call at Djibouti

Updated: 2010-01-25 20:50
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DJIBOUTI: A Chinese guided missile frigate has made a port call to Djibouti for re-supply after escort missions in the nearby Gulf of Aden and in the international waters off Somalia.

It was the first time for Chinese naval vessels to have made port calls to the Horn of Africa country.

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The missile frigate, Ma'anshan, is one of the Chinese guided-missile vessels dispatched to escort cargo ships of China and other countries sailing through the area where Somali pirates have posed serious threats to international shipping by frequent hijacks.

China made an unprecedented move in late 2008 by sending warships to the Gulf and Eden in the country's first ever overseas escort mission for merchant vessels.

The Chinese fleet has so far escorted more than 1,300 merchant vessels from China and other countries.