Practical couple get dog to train for own baby

(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-01-10 08:59

A young couple in Chongqing municipality decided to get a pet dog to train themselves to look after a baby.

Song Nan, 25, married her husband in 2006 and the couple made plans to start a family this year.

"But we thought both of us are too young and have no patience and sense of responsibility to properly look after a baby, so we decided to keep a little dog to train ourselves," Song said.

The duo got a dog in April and in the past eight months, they have cooked, cleaned and looked after the lucky pet.

"Keeping a dog really cultivates our patience and responsibility and helps us understand we still have more to learn, so we have decided not to rush having a baby," Song said.

(Chongqing Evening News)

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