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Zero tolerance puts brakes on drinkers
By Wang Jingqiong (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-08-17 07:12

Dozens of drunk drivers have been detained across China after police began a two-month crackdown on driving under the influence of alcohol.

The Ministry of Public Security launched the national campaign last Friday following an increase in traffic fatalities and crashes in recent months.

Zero tolerance puts brakes on drinkers
A policeman tests a taxi driver to determine whether he is driving under the influence of alcohol on Saturday evening in Huaibei, Anhui province. [China Daily]

National data is unavailable but authorities in Guandong province said 78 motorists were detained for drunk driving on Saturday and 1,162 drivers were found to be driving after drinking.

Traffic police in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, said 19 drivers were found to be driving while drunk on Friday night.

According to the Zhejiang provincial public security department, from Aug 3 until yesterday police found about 400 cases of people driving after drinking every day.

On Aug 7, drunk driver Wei Zhigang killed a 16-year-old girl in Zhejiang's Hangzhou. Two days later, a similar accident killed a four-year-old boy and injured three others in Shanghai.

The Beijing traffic management bureau, following the ministry's campaign launch, said it had begun to patrol major restaurants and entertainment venues on a 24-hour basis to prevent driving after drinking.

Beijing police said they would also strengthen traffic management and conduct random roadside breath testing.

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Zero tolerance puts brakes on drinkers 
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According to the bureau, 103 people have died in 87 crashes involving drunk drivers in Beijing this year.

Under the "zero tolerance" campaign launched by the Ministry of Public Security, drivers who get behind the wheel after drinking face severe penalties.

For those who drive after drinking, and have a blood-alcohol content between 20 mg and 80 mg per 100 ml, their license will be suspended for three months.

Drunk drivers whose alcohol content is 80 mg per 100 ml or above will be detained for 15 days and their licenses will be suspended for six months.

If a drunk driver is caught twice within a year, his or her license will be revoked for two to five years.

The Vice Minister of Public Security Liu Jinguo said the ministry would begin consultations with other departments to determine if it was necessary to increase penalties for drinking and driving.

Statistics show that 222,000 cases of driving after drinking were found in the first half of this year, 18,000 more than last year.

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