Nations urged to assess trade gains from global value chain perspective

Experts have urged the international community to evaluate the real trade gains from a global value chain perspective and continue to promote globalization and free trade rules.
Chen Wenling, chief economist at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said that rather than focusing on the gains solely from the traditional trade perspective, which is singled-minded, countries need to see themselves as part of the global value chain.
He said that US companies' average rate of return in China was higher than the figures both in the global market and in the United States.
"We should abandon the traditional mindset, embrace the future, and propel the World Trade Organization to establish new trade rules which adapt to future development," Chen said at a recent symposium on international trade and global value chain remodeling.
Zhang Xiaoqiang, vice-chairman of CCIEE, said trade protectionism is undermining the global value chain, while China has been resolutely opposing trade barriers and keeping with the times to support WTO reform.
The country has been making substantial moves to further open up and pushing for the development of a free trade system, which can contribute to world economic growth, he said.
A typical example was the recently-held China International Import Expo, the country's first-ever fair that focused exclusively on imported goods and services.
Dominique de Villepin, former prime minister of France, said the expo played a major role in accelerating globalization. "Such an event (CIIE) shows how business and trade become the major force of globalization. The expo has also increased awareness about the biggest threat we have been facing in recent times."
"We have entered a new era of risk in global rules and economic stability," he said at the symposium, and added China will lend strong support to globalization and to enhancing economic stability.
Organized by the government think tank CCIEE, the symposium gathered dozens of experts and former government officials to discuss the status quo of the international trade, and to look for possible ways to address pressing challenges.
Yang Jiemian, chairman of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies Council of Academic Affairs, stressed China and the US shoulder special responsibilities for world peace and prosperity. The two countries should move in the same direction and do their best to provide the international community with public goods, he added.