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Huocheng center tries to create smokeless environment

Updated: 2015-01-12
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The disease control and prevention center in Huocheng county, in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, tried to promote its image and provide a better environment for the staffs by making a smokeless and civilized center.

Since second-hand smoke may cause a wide range of adverse health effects, including cancer, respiratory infections and asthma, the disease control and prevention center wanted to become a smokeless center and make its staff members set a good example for the public.

To achieve its goal, the center encouraged its staffs to abandon smoking and keep healthy, and it hung up posters in the center to persuade people to give up smoking. Also, the staffs of the center often advised people around them to stop smoking.

The staffs of the center realized their aims after working hard, with less people who smoke in the center now.

By Li Xiaoxu and edited by Nicole Fortin