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Huocheng county's cadres pays a visit to Huiyuan town

Updated: 2015-01-08
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Members of Huocheng county's Party Committee visited Huiyuan town, in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on Dec 11th, to see what Huocheng’s government can do to develop Huiyuan town's economy, led by Ge Guo, the Huocheng's Party Secretary and got a look at the livestock breeding zones in Huiyuan town where they got to know the general information and problems of the zones.

The visiting group was shown around by Wang Yongxiang, Huiyuan town’s Party secretary, who also made a work report to the visitors considering Huiyuan town's agriculture, manufacture, and tourism. After hearing Wang Yongxiang’s report, Ge Guo remarked that, "Huiyuan town should keep an eye on tourism and try to build the brand to attract more tourists." He went on to say that, "at the same time, Huiyuan’s government should try to improve the conditions of its livestock breeding zones and grain supply center to benefit the locals by increasing their income."

By Li Xiaoxu and edited by Nicole Fortin