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Chinese bio-safety lab put in place in Africa

Updated: 2015-03-16 By Feng Hui (

A biosafety laboratory that China provided for Sierra Leone went into operation on March 11 to support lab testing for contagious diseases and to provide a foundation for redeveloping Sierra Leone’s health system.

Chinese bio-safety lab put in place in Africa
President Koroma inspects the bio-safety lab

Sierra Leone’s president, Ernest Bai Koroma noted during an inspection of the lab on March 10 that it is expected to play an important role in Ebola prevention and control and he expressed his gratitude for China’s contribution in the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone.

Chinese bio-safety lab put in place in Africa
President Koroma writes a note

Accompanying the president on his visit were Zhao Yanbo, China’s ambassador to Sierra Leone, Dong Xiaoping, a Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention medical team leader, and officials from Sierra Leone’s Foreign Affairs and Health ministries.

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