FAQ about Happy Valley2012-05-17

Shanghai Happy Valley is inside the Songjiang Sheshan National Tourist Resort in the southwest of Shanghai. It is 40km from the downtown of Shanghai, 25km from Hongqiao International Airport and 68km from Pudong International Airport.

Routes of Happy Valley2012-05-17

Recommended route for young people and families are included in this article.

One-day fruitful Sheshan Mountain tour2012-05-17

Sheshan Mountain, Shanghai, is a good option for a relaxing weekend and short tour.

Travel in Sheshan National Tourist Resort by bike2012-05-17

If you want to experience the fun and pleasure of cycling around the mountains and waters of Shanghai, She Mountain in Songjiang is the ideal location.

Q&A for travel in Songjiang by bike2012-05-17

There are fifteen outlets in the She Mountain range, which are located at main scenic spots and hotel doorways. The most convenient outlet is the one opposite No. 9 Subway Sheshan Station. After coming out from Sheshan Station, you may cross an overpass and go to Happy Valley shuttle bus stop where you will see the outlet.

Route in Happy Valley Shanghai2012-05-16

The first wooden roller coaster in China and the oldest roller coaster in the world, honored as the "First Ancestor of Roller Coasters".

Performance in Happy Valley2012-05-16

Large multimedia magic acrobatics read, "Happy Cube"! A blend of stunning acrobatics, cool visuals, fantastic colors and unique performances exhibit a mysterious and beautiful sight! It is both a sensory shock and audio-visual feast!

Sheshan routes2012-05-16

The greatest attraction of the Shanghai Moon Lake Sculpture Park is undoubtedly the fascinating Moon Lake. It is like a brilliant pearl in the middle of the park.

FAQ in Chenshan Botanical Garden2012-05-15

The garden opened to the public in April 2010, and it is the largest botanical garden in Shanghai .

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