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Internet Plus plugs Qingdao into national top 10

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-06-21

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Qingdao was listed as one of China's top 10 Internet Plus intelligent cities and awarded the prize of having the most user-friendly service in the country, during the recent Internet Plus summit held in Beijing, according to Qingdao Daily on June 21.

The event, organized by Chinese internet giant Tencent, is aimed at discussing the development of all things about Internet Plus and promoting Internet innovation in all aspects of societal life, including political affairs and social welfare.

All the prizes were selected by an independent third party, based on service quality and actual user feedback.

In recent years, the Qingdao government has integrated Internet technology with daily administration and service, making government management more effective, efficient and transparent.

To give the public access to government services via the Internet, Qingdao set up a public service center using an app which utilizes WeChat, to enable residents to check their health insurance information, bus timetables, pay bills as well as make hospital appointments.